Burnout is a difficult thing to deal with in League of Legends; you want to keep playing to reach the next rank, but you are physically and mentally drained. You can deploy many preventative methods right now to reduce the likelihood of burning out while grinding ranked.
Reducing League of Legends burnout
We’ve all been there; League of Legends ranked can be fun but addictive. You’re so close to ranking up, but your gameplay deteriorates after days of grinding. You want to stop, but you can’t. League has a solid ranked system that rewards players the higher they climb, making it a never-ending cycle for players.
Here are four ways you can reduce burnout while grinding solo queue.
Take meaningful breaks

Even if you completely obliterated the enemy team in the previous game, you should look to take a small, meaningful break before queueing up again. Try to avoid screens; you’re not giving your eyes a necessary break to relax and are increasing the possibility of straining them. Walk away from your machine and do something different for 10 minutes. This will reset your mind before the next game and give your eyes a much-needed break from staring at the screen.
League of Legends can be frustrating, and players often “tilt queue,” queuing up immediately for the next game after a frustrating last match. Whether you’re a Challenger player or someone learning the ropes down in Iron, don’t tilt queue. When you’re tilted, your performance often suffers, and bad emotions from the previous game are at the front of your mind. This can make you play differently from how you’d usually play.
If you really don’t want to step away, try playing a different mode. There are multiple fun game modes to play, from TFT to Arena or the new PvE mode, Swarm.
Keep the game fresh

Although one-tricking is a very viable strategy, most players will burn out quicker playing the same champions over and over again. Boredom eventually kicks in, and soon, you’ll find yourself stepping away from the game. We recommend expanding your champion pool as a means to avoid burnout.
Having a bigger champion pool helps for a couple of reasons, the first being the meta. The LoL meta changes constantly, with champions falling in and out of favor due to buffs and nerfs. If your one-trick is suddenly not viable, it’ll be difficult to climb. Having new champions to play keeps the game fresh while also making climbing a bit easier. You’re getting the opportunity to learn with new abilities to master and different matchups to play.
If you have a hard time playing champions that have a high mechanical ceiling, try playing easier champions such as Annie, Sion, or Braum. While the aim is to climb, LoL should also be enjoyable.
Apply daily goals and achievements
At every rank in League, there’s an opportunity to learn. Setting up daily goals is a good way to keep your mind fresh as you focus on multiple tasks throughout the day, even if you’re one-tricking. If you’re a newer player who hasn’t got to grips with farming, set a daily goal to hit a certain CS count before 10 minutes.
These goals must be solo because it’s uncertain what teammates you’ll get each game. If you’re an ADC, try to improve your damage output each game. Even if you’re not getting the kills, the more damage you do, the more likely you are to win.
Maintain healthy habits
Every professional player will tell you that maintaining good health habits will go a long way to grinding as many games as the pros. Having the correct amount of sleep is essential for grinding long hours. You will be far less effective if you find yourself constantly yawning and looking over at your bed, wishing you were in it after the game ends. Ensure you are still doing the basics: Getting good sleep, drinking enough water, and eating enough food. Looking after yourself is essential.
Published: Aug 14, 2024 11:07 am