The final set of story quests in Fortnite Chapter Five, season three, has been released. They take you on a whistle-stop tour around the island before the environment undergoes another big change.
The countdown for the Absolute Doom season in Fortnite is now well and truly on, with the final story quests setting the scene for Doctor Doom’s arrival—and teasers on Jonesy’s fate to become Captain America.
Most new storyline quests are relatively simple, speaking to specific NPCs or traveling to certain locations, but the graffiti challenge is slightly more complex. Fear not, though, as we’ve got everything you need to know.
How to spray Hope’s graffiti in Fortnite

You can only spray Hope’s graffiti in three specific locations in Fortnite to progress the challenge. On top of this, each location gets revealed one by one, so there’s a set order. You can, however, complete them all in one game if the zones fall kindly.
Using any spray counts towards the challenge, and it doesn’t need to be the specific Hope spray, which is provided as a reward once all the story quests are complete. It would be easier if it didn’t automatically show Hope’s spray, which happened on a couple of occasions for me.
The first two locations are relatively straightforward. First, head to the Thunderdome and follow the marked location. Use a Spray to tick off part one of the challenge at the specific wall marked and unlock the following location.
The second location is at Redline Rig, a destination you have already been to in the story quests to assess the damage from the pipelines. The specific wall is on the floor level, so don’t worry about climbing the rig or landing directly on it.
The third and final location to spray graffiti is Brawler’s Beachhead, specifically the garage where Megalo Don’s vehicle is tucked away. You should be able to spray on the outside wall to mark the challenge as complete, but I had to try several times before it worked.
You can alternatively defeat Megalo Don to gain the keycard to access the garage and then spray on the inside wall. You can also wait for another player to defeat Megalo Don or save this challenge for a game where the boss travels the map in his vehicle, leaving the garage unlocked.
Published: Aug 13, 2024 09:19 am