Crafting medicine in Palworld can take quite a bit of time. But if you have a Medicine Production Pal assigned to your base, you can speed up the process. First, though, you’ll need to find and catch one.
Pals with the Medicine Production Work Suitability will be able to operate the Medieval Medicine Workbench and craft different types of medicines. These meds will cure ailments your Pals will pick up from time to time, like the Weakened, Depressed, or Overfull effects. Not every Pal has the Medicine Production trait, though, so you need to know which ones to catch if you’re looking to staff your own clinic.
Which Pals have the Medicine Production trait?
The Medicine Production trait is represented by a green bowl icon on a Pal’s details page, as shown in the image below. The level next to it indicates how proficient that species is with the task; higher levels mean the Pal’s Work Speed is increased while performing that specific duty.

Like the Lumbering and Kindling traits, only a handful of Pals in Palworld have the Medicine Production ability. Most of these Pals are Grass types, which makes sense given the tie-in to herbs and medicinal plants. Here are all the Pals that have Medicine Production, as well as their corresponding levels, including all the Pals added in the Sakurajima update:
- Lifmunk: Level one
- Flopie: Level one
- Prixter: Level one
- Bristla: Level two
- Cinnamoth: Level one
- Robinquill: Level one
- Robinquill Tera: Level one
- Beegarde: Level one
- Elizabee: Level two
- Lovander: Level two
- Katress: Level two
- Lullu: Level two
- Vaelet: Level three
- Sibelyx: Level two
- Petallia: Level two
- Felbat: Level three
- Lyleen: Level three
- Lyleen Noct: Level three
- Selyne: Level three
Best Medicine Production Pals in Palworld
If you want to maximize the efficiency of your home clinic, you’ll need to employ Pals with the highest level in the trait. The best Pals for Medicine Production are Vaelet and Felbat, which both boast three levels in the stat. Some people, though, may just want Pals to staff the Medieval Medicine Workbench while they’re gone, and speed may not be a priority.
If this sounds like you, your best option would be to catch a Medicine Production Pal you can find early into your playthrough. Lifmunk is the easiest option in this case. The chipmunk-like creature spawns in several locations around the map, as shown in the map below, including multiple areas close to the game’s starting area. We found ours in between the Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance and the Fort Ruins fast travel locations.

How to make your Pals work the Medieval Medicinal Workbench in Palworld
Once you have your Medicine Production Pal, make sure you have the Medieval Medicine Workbench unlocked from the Technology tree. This structure becomes available at level 12 and requires the following materials to craft:
- 30 Wood
- Five nails
- 10 Paldium Fragment
After you’ve built your workbench, you can select the item you’d like to make and assign your Medicine Production Pal to the job. To do so, simply approach the Pal that’s working in your base, lift it by pressing the corresponding keybinding, and throw the Pal at the workbench. If there’s a task in the queue, the Pal should begin working, and a text prompt on the left side of your screen will indicate that the creature has been assigned to the structure.
When your Pal begins working, you can leave the base and return to your adventures, knowing the medicine is being crafted.
Published: Jul 28, 2024 01:19 pm