Valve has dropped Patch 7.37b, shaking up the Dota 2 metagame one last time (we can only assume) as we approach The Internationals 2024 in three weeks.
Following the major Facet reworks of Patch 7.37, this alphabet patch aims to smooth out the rough edges. While none of the changes look groundbreaking on the surface, we all know how small number tweaks can cause an entire meta shift.
Here’s everything included in Dota 2 Patch 7.37b.
Dota 2 Patch 7.37b overview
Support Tinker gets nerfed after a fortnight of glory

Following the buff to his Repair Bots Facet in Patch 7.37, Position 5 Tinker rose to a 57 percent win rate in higher MMR pubs. With absurd heals and shield-spamming on teammates, it became nigh impossible to win any prolonged teamfight against a Tinker lineup.
With Patch 7.37b, Tinker now has slightly reduced heals from his Repair Bots Facet along with a manacost penalty. His Defense Matrix skill has also gone up in manacost. This will naturally slow down the pace of the hero, hopefully bringing down the win rate to sub-55 percent.
Ember Spirit couldn’t dodge the nerf hammer

Ember Spirit was the highest winrate core hero of Patch 7.37 (courtesy of Dota2ProTracker), so naturally, the Zen Spirit brother had this change coming.
The nerfs on Ember are across the board, ranging from decreased DPS on his Innate to a cooldown nerf on Sleight of Fist. The higher Dota 2 winrate Talents on levels 10 and 20—extra Flame Guard damage barrier and bonus Sleight of Fist hero damage, respectively—have also been subject to significant nerfs.
Invoker now gets to invoke spells while channeling

Invoker can now cast Invoke and his Orbs even while channeling or being invisible. This means you can cook up your spells in the middle of your teleportation scroll channel or Ghost Walk scouting. This is a massive quality-of-life boost for one of the highest skill cap heroes in Dota 2.
Additionally, the Elitist Facet’s spell amplification for each Exort orb went up by one percent. Be prepared to see the Arsenal Magus in the mid lane in TI 2024.
The meme Venomancer build is considerably weaker now

With the introduction of the Septic Shock Innate in Patch 7.37, a borderline-overpowered Veno build became popular where the hero would build multiple debuff-inducing items. And due to how the new Innate works, it would do shocking amounts of damage with Plague wards stacked on him courtesy of his Plague Carrier Facet.
Now, it’s much weaker with one well-targeted nerf. “Septic Shock now counts one debuff per unique ability/item,” the patch notes read. “Shiva’s Guard will count as one debuff instead of three.”
To read the whole patch notes before queueing up your next Dota match, you can head over to the official site for the full Dota 2 Patch 7.37b notes.
Published: Aug 14, 2024 06:09 pm