To the Edge of the Abyss is the third and final quest required to unlock Diablo 4‘s new Infernal Hordes mode, so it’s a pretty major part of the new season.
This third Diablo 4 season five quest tasks you with delving all the way into Hell, battling huge hordes, and then defeating the Fell Council. While it sounds easy, there’s a lot that can go wrong if you don’t prepare or know what to do. With this guide, you should hopefully make it out of the depths of Hell without (too much) trouble.
How to complete the Edge of the Abyss quest in Diablo 4

You complete Edge of the Abyss in Diablo 4 by meeting Locran in the Caldeum Imperial Palace, descending through the Gates of Hell, finding the Well of Hatred, entering the Infernal Hordes, and defeating the Fell Council members.
To complete the Edge of the Abyss quest, you’ll need to:
- Meet Locran in the Caldeum Imperal Palace.
- Find you way to the Gates of Hell.
- Gather the Demonic Heart and talk to Locran.
- Enter the Realm of Hatred.
- Navigate the Fields to find the Well of Hatred and protect Locran while he works. You’ll perform this protection detail twice. In Hell, you will encounter many mobs and Elites, which are a great source for getting Mother’s Gift to complete the season five questline.
- Find the Opening to the Darkness and descend into the Infernal Hordes.
- Defeat the mobs, enter the next room to place Locran’s Talisman into the Well of Hatred, and listen to him speak to the Fell Council.
- Defeat the Fell Council and return to Sanctuary.
Once you return to Sanctuary, you’ll complete the Edge of the Abyss quest and get Locran’s Talisman, two caches, and your very first Infernal Compass. You’ll consume the latter to enter your first Infernal Horde dungeon in the Infernal Horde quest.
This quest has a few sticking points, including the Meeting Locran in the Caldeum Imperial Palace bug and surviving the Fell Council fight, which makes it challenging.
How to fix the Meet Locran in the Caldeum Imperial Palace bug
If you don’t see Locran in the Caldeum Imperial Palace, you might be experiencing a bug with this questline. To fix this, close Diablo 4 completely and re-open it. When you log in, you should now see Locran in the Imperial Palace.
If this didn’t fix the bug for you, some players have reported switching from World Tier Three to Two worked, while others stated entering the Yshari Sanctum dungeon and exiting it spawned Locran. So, if you don’t see Locran, try these fixes before anything else.
How to defeat the Fell Council

To defeat the Fell Council, you’re going to need to defeat the hellspawn that come in waves as well as the first boss Maffer the Cruel, then more hellspawn, and then finally the last two bosses, Geleb the Flame and Bremm the Maelstom.
Before entering this fight, use an Elixir for Fire Resistance or Lightning Resistance; these are the two core elements you’ll encounter during the fight with the Fell Council.
1) Maffer the Cruel
When Locran becomes the anchor, defeat the incoming hellspawn until his anchor percentage drops. When it drops to 50 percent, you can then defeat Maffer the Cruel. In this fight, watch out for the summoned hydra, which shoot balls at you, and his barricade, which locks you in the area with him. Hellspawn will also be summoned during this phase. The best way to defeat him is to dodge the balls and then attack Maffer. Then, when he summons the barrier, either break out of the barrier to get away and attack from a safe distance or stay in the barrier and deal damage. Then, repeat until he’s beaten.
2) More hellspawn waves
Once Maffer the Cruel has been defeated, you’ll need to kill more hellspawn until Locran’s anchor percentage hits zero. When it drops to zero percent, you must defeat Geleb the Flame and Bremm the Maelstrom.
3) Geleb the Flame and Bremm the Maelstrom
For this phase, the best strategy is to pick one boss and focus on defeating them while avoiding all the area-of-effect attacks and taking care of any hellspawn that gets in your way. There’s no real order; whichever takes your fancy is best.
Between the two, Geleb summons fire and blasts waves of fire you’ll need to dodge and Bremm summons lightning balls and sends lightning tornados after you. This particular fight is hairy because you have to defeat two bosses at once while dodging as many of their AoE abilities as possible, all on top of trying to whittle down health bars and take on the hellspawn that are summoned during this phase.
Best tips for the Fell Council battle
There’s a lot going on in this boss fight and if you come into this Diablo 4 fight under-leveled be prepared for the attacks to hit hard. I did this fight at level 50 and the recommended level is 55. It was very hairy at times because I had to avoid so much AoE damage. If I didn’t, my health would have taken a significant hit. But, like all bosses, they drop health pots at 75, 50, and 25 percent, so be sure to pick them up if you’re running low.
Overall, my best piece of advice is don’t rush this boss fight. There’s just too much incoming damage from the bosses and the hellspawn for you to dive in 100 percent of the time. It’s best to avoid the damage, and deal damage when you can safely. Eventually, you’ll get through it and can finish the Edge of the Abyss questline.
Published: Aug 12, 2024 08:05 pm